Getting Around
Working Hours
Public Institutions: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Business Organizations: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM or 7:00 PM
Shops and Supermarkets: 10 AM - 7:00 PM or 8:00 PM
Subway: 6:00 AM - 00:00 PM
Public Transport (Bus, Minibus): 6:00 AM - 00:00 PM
Official Holidays 2016
January 1 - New Year's Day
January 7 - Orthodox Christmas
January 19 - Orthodox Epiphany/Baptism
March 3 - Mothers' Day
March 8 - Women's Day
May 1 - Orthodox Easter
May 2 - Orthodox Easter Monday
May 9 – Victory Day
May 26 - Independence Day
August 28 - Mariamoba (Day of the Virgin Mary)
October 14 - Svetitskhovloba (Georgian Orthodox Festival)
November 23 - Giorgoba (St George's Day)
Foreign Exchange
For official exchange rates of GEL against foreign currencies please go to the National Bank of Georgia web page: https://www.nbg.gov.ge/index.php?m=2
Getting There and Away
For getting to Georgia you can use any kind of transportation:
By Air:
Many airlines have direct flights to 3 international airports in Georgia (Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi). There are connection flights to Yerevan and Baku several times a week. Average flying duration from Central Europe to Georgia is 4 hours; from North America about 12 hours.
You can enjoy service of International as well as Georgian National Air Companies like:
- Air Baltic
- Czech Airlines
- Austrian Airlines
- Arkia
- Lufthansa
- UM Airlines - Ukrainian Airlines
- Turkish Airlines
- FlyLAL Azal
- Lithuanian Airlines
- Belavia - Belarusian Airlines
- Georgian National Airlines
- Georgian Airways
By Road:
You can get to Georgia by car from Europe as well as from Asia. The historically known "Silk Road" crosses the country. Georgia has highways connecting it directly to Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey. Daily buses depart several times a week. Buses run from the central bus station of every city where one can get updated information on the departure/arrival schedule.
By Train:
Railway connects Georgia to Azerbaijan and Armenia. info??
By Sea:
Ferries to Poti port depart from Ukrainian ports: Ilyichevsk and Odessa. The ferry is equipped with comfortable cabins for passengers. Departures are every week and voyage takes just several hours.
10 Reasons
to Film in Georgia